Ahad, 29 Januari 2023


 "Beriklanlah Kamu Sebelum Kamu Diiklankan ..." 


Iklan Sampai Lebam !Koleksi Link Group Whatsapp Malaysia.Senarai Group Iklan Niaga Whatsapp - Whatsapp Group Links for Business

Perlis : https://bit.ly/3XLkNJf , Kedah : https://bit.ly/3jflgEB , Penang : https://bit.ly/3kU7fN9 , Perak : https://bit.ly/3HH8t7t , Selangor : https://bit.ly/3RkCNYO , Putrajaya : https://bit.ly/3wGnNe2 , Kuala Lumpur : https://bit.ly/3RfSd0a , Melaka : https://bit.ly/3HDe7r9 , Negeri Sembilan : https://bit.ly/3DoQsbc , Johor : https://bit.ly/3Y8lmg5 , Pahang : https://bit.ly/3JtBe8O , Terengganu : https://bit.ly/3kTeGUT , Kelantan : https://bit.ly/3HFMmhH , Labuan : https://bit.ly/3RfgfIC , Sabah : https://bit.ly/3ReSgJC , Sarawak : https://bit.ly/3HlkSg1

IkutSukeCommunity : https://bit.ly/3RfUHM4 
Seberang Perai Utara : https://bit.ly/3jcTQzj , Seberang Perai Tengah : https://bit.ly/3Jrvm00 , Seberang Perai Selatan : https://bit.ly/3HDBMaOBarat Daya : https://bit.ly/3Y6HUhj , Timur Laut : https://bit.ly/3j9gQ2d

Iklan Sampai Lebam !. Janji Jangan Nangis. 
Senarai Group Iklan Niaga Whatsapp
Whatsapp Group Links for Business
Publisher: Komuniti PTT Lebuhraya Utara-Selatan - 9:15 PTG

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2020

Senarai Group Iklan Niaga Whatsapp - Whatsapp Group Links for Business

 "Beriklanlah Kamu Sebelum Kamu Diiklankan ..." 


Iklan Sampai Lebam !Koleksi Link Group Whatsapp Malaysia.Senarai Group Iklan Niaga Whatsapp - Whatsapp Group Links for Business

Perlis : https://bit.ly/3XLkNJf , Kedah : https://bit.ly/3jflgEB , Penang : https://bit.ly/3kU7fN9 , Perak : https://bit.ly/3HH8t7t , Selangor : https://bit.ly/3RkCNYO , Putrajaya : https://bit.ly/3wGnNe2 , Kuala Lumpur : https://bit.ly/3RfSd0a , Melaka : https://bit.ly/3HDe7r9 , Negeri Sembilan : https://bit.ly/3DoQsbc , Johor : https://bit.ly/3Y8lmg5 , Pahang : https://bit.ly/3JtBe8O , Terengganu : https://bit.ly/3kTeGUT , Kelantan : https://bit.ly/3HFMmhH , Labuan : https://bit.ly/3RfgfIC , Sabah : https://bit.ly/3ReSgJC , Sarawak : https://bit.ly/3HlkSg1

IkutSukeCommunity : https://bit.ly/3RfUHM4 
Seberang Perai Utara : https://bit.ly/3jcTQzj , Seberang Perai Tengah : https://bit.ly/3Jrvm00 , Seberang Perai Selatan : https://bit.ly/3HDBMaOBarat Daya : https://bit.ly/3Y6HUhj , Timur Laut : https://bit.ly/3j9gQ2d

Iklan Sampai Lebam !. Janji Jangan Nangis. 
Senarai Group Iklan Niaga Whatsapp
Whatsapp Group Links for Business

Publisher: Komuniti PTT Zello RC/LUS - 1:05 PG

Sabtu, 12 September 2015

Almarhumah Baginda Sultanah Fatimah

Merupakan isteri kepada Sultan Abu Bakar. Baginda berasal dari Canton, Negeri China juga dikenali sebagai Wong Ah Gew telah berkahwin dengan Baginda Sultan pada Disember 1885. Sultanah Fatimah telah dianugerahkan sebagai Sultanah Negeri Johor Darul Ta'zim pada 8 Julai 1886 bersamaan 5 Syawal 1303 Hijrah oleh Almarhum Baginda Sultan Abu Bakar.

Semasa Baginda menjadi Sultanah (1886-1890), Almarhum Baginda Sultan Abu Bakar sering merujuk kepada Baginda Sultanah Fatimah kerana kepekaan dan keprihatinan Baginda Sultanah dalam menangani pelbagai permasalahan di Negeri Johor pada masa itu.

Bersama-sama Almarhum Baginda Sultan Abu Bakar, Baginda Sultanah Fatimah turut menyemarakkan lagi semangat dalam membangunkan Negeri Johor dan ini telah memberikan banyak peluang perniagaan dan pekerjaan kepada rakyat jelata. Umpamanya, perkhidmatan keretapi dari Muar ke Parit Jawa (8 batu) dimulakan untuk memudahkan pengangkutan hasil keluaran dan menyenangkan perjalanan penduduk di persekitaran kawasan Muar.

Almarhum Baginda Sultan Abu Bakar begitu mengkagumi keperibadian mulia Baginda Sultanah Fatimah sehingga Baginda mengisytiharkan Bandar Muar kepada Bandar Maharani. ( Gelaran Maharani ini merupakan gelaran terdahulu Baginda Sultanah Fatimah sebelum diisytiharkan sebagai Sultanah ).

Baginda Sultanah Fatimah mangkat pada 24 haribulan Februari 1891 di Istana Tyersall, Singapura dan dimakamkan di Makam Diraja Mahmoodiah, Johor Bahru. Untuk mengenang jasa-jasa Baginda Sultanah, Hospital Muar dinamakan dengan rasminya sebagai Hospital Pakar Sultanah Fatimah dan sebatang jalan di Tanjung Emas telah dinamakan Jalan Sultanah Fatimah.

" Anak Jati Muar Jangan Sampai Tak Tahu "

Sumber: Muzium Muar

Publisher: 100% Work at Home - 11:32 PTG

Khamis, 10 September 2015



Suatu senja, seorang wanita melangkahkan kaki mendekati kediaman Nabi Musa.
Setelah mengucapkan salam, dia masuk sambil terus menunduk.
Air matanya berderai tatkala berkata, “Wahai Nabi ALLAH, tolonglah saya. Doakan agar ALLAH mengampuni dosa keji saya”.

“Apakah dosamu wahai wanita...?” Tanya Nabi Musa.
“Saya takut mengatakannya,” jawab wanita itu.
“Katakanlah, jangan ragu-ragu...!”d esak Nabi Musa.

Maka perempuan itu pun dengan takut bercerita, “Saya telah berzina.

” Kepala nabi Musa terangkat, hatinya tersentak.
“Dari perzinaan itu saya hamil.
Setelah anak itu lahir, langsung saya cekik lehernya sampai mati,” lanjut perempuan itu seraya menangis.

Mata Nabi Musa berapi-api.

Dengan muka yang berang dia menghardik. “Perempuan celaka, pergi dari sini.
Agar siksa ALLAH tak jatuh ke dalam rumahku. Pergi...!!!!
” teriak nabi Musa sambil berpaling karena jijik.

Hati perempuan itu bagaikan kaca membentur batu, hancur luluh.
Dia menangis tersedu-sedu dan keluar dari rumah Nabi Musa.
Ia tak tahu harus kemana lagi mengadu. Bahkan dia tak tahu ke mana harus melangkahkan kaki.
Bila seorang Nabi saja sudah menolaknya, bagaimana manusia lain bakal menerimanya...?
Sepeninggalnya wanita tersebut, Malaikat Jibril turun mendatangi Nabi Musa.

Jibril lalu bertanya, “Mengapa engkau menolak seorang wanita yang hendak BERTAUBAT dari dosanya...?

Tidakkah engkau tahu dosa yang lebih besar dari itu...?

” Nabi Musa terperanjat.
“Dosa apakah yang lebih besar dari kekejian wanita pezina dan pembunuh itu...?
Betulkah ada dosa yang lebih besar daripada perempuan yang hina itu...?”
Tanyanya. “Ada...!!!” Jawab Jibril dengan tegas. “Orang yang meninggalkan shalat dengan sengaja tanpa menyesal.

Orang itu dosanya lebih besar daripada SERIBU kali berzina.

” Mendengar penjelasan ini Nabi Musa memanggil wanita tadi, lalu berdoa memohon ampunan kepada ALLAH.
Nabi Musa menyadari, orang yang meninggalkan shalat dengan sengaja tanpa penyesalan seakan menganggap remeh perintah ALLAH.
Sedangkan BERTAUBAT dan menyesali Dosa dengan sungguh-sungguh berarti masih mempunyai IMAN di dadanya dan Yakin ALLAH itu ada.


Publisher: Unknown - 11:33 PTG
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Pengalaman Hutan,TIPS Di Hutan,Ilmu Hutan

Pengalaman masuk hutan, berkawan ngan bebudak asli ni, dan termasuk kengkawan yg memang askar, banyak benda yg saya belajar..iaitu,

1. Lumut Taik Kera. Kalau kita jalan diwaktu malam, terutama di hutan padat dekat dgn air terjun atau sungai (mcm kes saya kat Janda Baik), bila kita jalan dalam gelap, kita akan nampak ada benda2 bercahaya warna hijau..ala2 benda yg pendarcahaya. Benda yg bercahaya tu ialah lumut taik kera, bila siang tak nampak apa2, bila malam dia akan keluarkan cahaya walaupun dgn skit bantuan cahaya dr bulan bintang. Yg bestnya, lumut ni hanya tumbuh didenai (laluan binatang atau orang), so kalau sesat..ikut je laluan ni diwaktu malam, insyaAllah..tak langgar pokok.

2. Ular tedung. Kalau terserempak dgn ular masa dlm hutan, jangan buat gerakan mengejut..stay still dan undur balik. Ular tedung tak mematuk bila kepala dia tengah kembang penuh, sebaliknya akan mematuk bila kepala dia kembang separuh je. Oleh tu, kita acah2 bagi ular tu kembang penuh dgn ranting kayu dan berundur2 pelan2. - belajar dr orang asli.

3. Kera / lutong dan spesis yg sama. Spesis kera takkan lari bila kita libas dgn sebatang ranting kayu, in fact dia leih lincah dr gerakan ranting kita. Utk halau kera, patahkan pokok renek dgn daun dan ranting yg mengembang..dan hayunkan kat kera tu..baru lari (rasionalnya, ranting + daun yg kembang tu nampak lagi besar dr sebatang ranting) - belajar dr askar.

4. Harimau. kalau mancing dlm hutan, sedang dlm hutan tu bunyi penuh dgn unggas serangga, tetiba hutan tu jadik sunyi sepi, biasanya ada haiwan menghendap..terutamanya harimau, harimau akar dan beruang. Selepas hutan jadi 'diam', kemudian disusuli dgn bau hamis..confirm harimau..hehehe..apa lagi, bagi letup satu mercun bola la.. - belajar dr orang asli.

5. Beruang madu. Hutan paya kat Malaysia banyak beruang madu (yg kecik tu, sekerat pinggan dgn dada kaler oren),kalau terserempak, kita yg perlu menjerit dan buat seperti nak kejar, automatik beruang tu akan lari. - belajar dr orang asli.

6. Kepala air. Kalo khemah kat tepi sungai, jangan buat khemah kat tepi air, buat dibahagian /kawasan yg pokok2nya besar. Tandakan satu batu yg besar, kalo tengah malam batu tu hilang, maknanya air tengah naik la tu..- belajar dgn kaki pancing.

7. Tanda-tanda kepala air. Kalo hujan kat hulu, biasanya akan ada kepala air (air naik dr dlm perbezaan paras 5 kaki tak sampai 10 minit). Tanda2 lain yg kita perlu tengok ialah kehadiran buih2 putih kat tempat tak berbuih (klu kat tempat air jatuh for sure ada buih)..maksud saya kat tempat air mengalir biasa, tetiba ada buih2 halus timbul. Tu tandanya arus bawah lagi laju dr arus atas. pastu, akan ada daun basah hanyut, then barulah ada perubahan warna air, dr jernih ke warna oren, coklat dll. Biasanya perubahan ni sekejap saja, dalam 5-6 minit sebelum arus besar datang (kepala air)..sama kes kat Dam Chamang, bentong..saya dah kena. Tambah skit, kalo kepala air datang, bunyi air lebih kuat dr biasa, dr kejauhan dah dengar..

8. Nak masak air. Jangan amik air kat tepi sungai, amik kat tengah sungai atau tempat yg mengalir deras. Rationalnya, tikus, rusa, kancil, babi dll kencing kat tepi sungai, arus akan tolak air kencing tu ke tebing. So, amik yg tengah2. - belajar ngan askar.

9. Binatang besar. Kera atau monyet akan lari dan buat bising bila ada bahaya i.e harimau, gajah, badak, seladang dll. Kalau dr jauh dengar bunyi kera dl buat bising..tentu ada binatang besar tengah lalu. - belajar dgn orang asli.

10. Makan makanan yg dimasak i.e ikan bakar dll. Semasa kat hutan, kami mesti makan sampai habis dan hanyutkan / tanam lebihan makanan sebab bau makanan ni akan menarik perhatian beruang, kera, gajah utk datang bertandang. - ni belajar ngan kaki pancing lain.

11. Buat semua perkara sebelum jam 5.00 petang. Biasanya, bila kami kat hutan, kami akan selesaikan semua urusan (masak, mandi, basuh dll) sebelum jam 5.00 petang. Sebab, dlm pukul 5.00 lebih, hutan dah gelap disebabkan oleh kanopi pokok dan kecondongan matahari. - belajar dr pengalaman.

12. Hutan yg bising dgn bunyi unggas lebih baik di waktu malam drpd hutan yg sunyi sepi. Bila hutan sepi, mesti ada apa2 yg tak kena. - orang asli.

Ok, masuk bab amalan bukak khemah (Rule and system dia la..bukan amalan yg spritual ni..).

1. Cari kanopi yg masih hijau. Bila dah tentukan nak khemah, dongak ke atas, cari pokok muda dan kanopi (rimbunan daun) yg masih hijau..so, risiko kena hempap ranting dahan bila angin kuat rendah.

2. Ketinggian dr paras air. Bila dah tentukan mana bahagian yg lapang nak dibuat, tentukan ketinggian khemah sekurang2 4 kaki dr aras air sungai, kalau landai..jangan buat khemah kat situ, biasanya kawasan landai, akan ada banyak pokok2 rendah dan renek mcm pokok senduduk dll..tu tandanya air selalu naik kat kawasan tu. Cari kat kawasan yg pokoknya besar2.

3. Tentukan laluan / denai didalam radius kawasan 20 meter dr khemah. Jangan buat khemah didalam laluan denai, sebab laluan denai bukan utk manusia sahaja, ianya adalah laluan binatang lain jugak. kang seladang tumpang tidur.

4. Bersihkan lantai tapak perkhemahan drpada daun dan pokok2 renek (potong je pokok2 kecik ni,kang dia tumbuh balik). Pakai je ranting pokok2, sapu sampai nampak tanah dan takdak daun, so, risiko terkena sengat lipan, kala jengking dll tu kurang skit.

5. Dah ready, baru tabur karbaid kaler kuning tu.

6. Kalau pakai khemah jenis igloo atau T shape, pasang khemah kat secara menghadap /berhadapan dan unggun api kat tengah.

7. Dlm nyalaan unggun api tu, standby dgn beberapa batang kayu panjang. Kalo boleh, sesuai dgn jumlah orang yg pergi camping tu. Bila ada bahaya, perimeter diceroboh, apa lagi..capai la kayu yg ada api ni sebagai senjata, parang pisau..binatang tak takut. Api? confirm depa lari..

8. Kalo ikut pengalaman saya, kami memang buat perimeter, risau gak kot2 binatang datang (beruang terutamanya) datang ke khemah sebab bau masakan kami. Kami suka buat pagar dgn tali tangsi disambing dgn loceng, terlanggar je tali tu, loceng akan bunyi...

Kredit: Harry Lord
Publisher: Unknown - 10:38 PTG

Khamis, 3 September 2015


Malware Removal & Repair

Combofix 15-09-0301 [ 2015-09-03 | 537 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 1055200 | 5 ] ComboFix will systematically scan your computer for known malware and then automatically attempt to clean up any infections Trojan Remover 693 [ 2015-09-02 | 227 MB | Subscription $2495 | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 513292 | 5 ] Trojan Remover is a second line of defense for the removal of malware - trojan horses, worms, adware, and spyware when other anti-virus software fails to detect/remove them Panda Cloud Cleaner 112 [ 2015-09-02 | 333 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 27512 | 5 ] Panda Cloud Cleaner provides you with an advanced disinfector that detects malware that traditional security solutions cannot detect For complete PC protection try the free Panda Free Antivirus instead AdwCleaner 5005 [ 2015-08-31 | 158 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 395693 | 5 ] AdwCleaner is a tool that deletes Adware/Toolbars/PUPs/Hijackers Malware removal guides and support also available from MajorGeeks in the Majorgeeks Support Forums Crystal Security 350142 [ 2015-08-31 | 774 KB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 85694 | 5 ] Crystal Security is a cloud-based system that detects and removes malicious programs (malware) from your computer Junkware Removal Tool 760 [ 2015-08-31 | 172 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 379480 | 4 ] Junkware Removal Tool is a security utility that searches for and removes common malware, toolbars, and potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) from your computer RemoveIT Pro 3182015 [ 2015-08-31 | 472 MB | Shareware $2000+ | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 332916 | 5 ]

RemoveIT Pro removes many viruses that other popular antivirus software cannot discover RogueKiller 101030 [ 2015-08-31 | 235 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 782787 | 5 ] RogueKiller is an anti-malware program written in C++ and able to detect and remove generic malware and some advanced threats such as rootkits, rogues, worms Dr Web CureIT September 1, 2015 [ 2015-08-30 | 163 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 293372 | 5 ] DrWEB CureIt! is an antivirus and anti-spyware scanning tool that will help you quickly scan and cure a computer without installation of the DrWEB Anti-virus UsbFix 2015 8018 [ 2015-08-30 | 313 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 218780 | 5 ] UsbFix is a free, malware removal tool that helps you to detect and remove infected USB memory sticks or any other USB removable devices Farbar Recovery Scan Tool 280820150 [ 2015-08-29 | 161 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 149774 | 5 ] Farbar Recovery Scan Tool, or FRST, is a portable application designed to diagnose malware issues SpyShelter Free 101 [ 2015-08-28 | 606 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 61654 | 4 ] SpyShelter monitors vulnerable and weak spots in your computer system to ensure that even the most advanced keyloggers are shut down even before these can launch a single dangerous attack against your computer RKill 2820 [ 2015-08-27 | 192 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 198165 | 5 ] RKill attempts to terminate known malware processes so that your normal security software can then run and clean your computer of infections FreeFixer 113 [ 2015-08-21 | 256 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 24805 | 4 ] FreeFixer is a malware removal tool for deleting unwanted software, such as adware, spyware, trojans, viruses and worms Trojan Killer 2281 [ 2015-08-20 | 521 MB | Shareware $3995 | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 121240 | 4 ] Trojan Killer was designed to be a malicious computer software (malware) removal tool Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool 527 [ 2015-08-12 | 370 MB+ | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista | 382786 | 5 ] The Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool is an anti-malware utility that checks computers running Windows for infections by specific malicious software McAfee Consumer Product Removal Tool 8040160 [ 2015-08-11 | 470 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 700555 | 5 ] Use the McAfee Consumer Product Removal tool (MCPR) is for the complete removal of McAfee Security products in order to install a different antivirus or other relevant programs Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit (formerly ExploitShield) 10711015 [ 2015-07-24 | 273 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 43989 | 5 ] Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit proactively shields software applications from zero-day exploits RegRun Security Suite Platinum 7770177 [ 2015-07-22 | 258 MB | Shareware $7495 | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 31143 | 4 ] RegRun Security Suite can effectively detect and remove any Trojan / Virus / Worm / Spyware / Adware components and Rootkits RegRun Reanimator 7770177 [ 2015-07-22 | 148 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 111081 | 4 ] Reanimator is a free of charge software for removing Trojans/Adware/Spyware and some rootkits RemoteDLL 45 [ 2015-07-20 | 286 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 17575 | 2 ] RemoteDLL is the tool which makes it easy to inject the DLL or free the DLL from remote process SanityCheck 300 [ 2015-07-19 | 126 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 5909 | 5 ] SanityCheck is an advanced rootkit and malware detection tool for Windows which thoroughly scans the system for threats and irregularities which indicate malware or rootkit behavior SpyBHORemover 60 [ 2015-07-18 | 22 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 25824 | 3 ] SpyBHORemover (previously called BHORemover) is the advanced tool to explore and eliminate malicious BHO's from the system SpywareBlaster 52 [ 2015-07-16 | 399 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 14734902 | 5 ] Spywareblaster protects you from known unwanted websites including Active-x installs, hijackers, cookies and more Over 14 million downloads for good reason Emsisoft Emergency Kit 10005488 [ 2015-06-29 | 151 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 33506 | 4 ] Emsisoft Emergency Kit is a comprehensive collection of programs that can be used without a software installation to scan and clean infected computers for malware Hitman Pro 379 Build 245 [ 2015-06-16 | 96 MB | Subscription 1795+ Year | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 239661 | 5 ] Hitman Pro provides you with a fast all-in-one tool to find, identify and remove viruses, spyware, Trojan horses, rootkits and other malware Kaspersky XoristDecryptor 23450 [ 2015-06-16 | 608 KB | Freeware | Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP | 44601 | 3 ] Malware of the family Trojan-RansomWin32Xorist makes computers uncontrollable or blocks its normal performance Kaspersky RannohDecryptor 1800 [ 2015-05-19 | 450 KB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 11452 | 2 ] Free tool from Kaspersky Labs to remove Trojan-RansomWin32Rannoh Killtrojan Syslog 144 [ 2015-05-12 | 104 KB | Open Source | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 6459 | 4 ] Killtrojan Syslog creates a report about characteristics of the system to further analyze and look for signs of malware and to put the report in a specialized forum for users to help SuperFish Removal Tool 1080 [ 2015-04-28 | 314 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 9244 | 3 ] Lenovo has provided this tool and manual instructions to ensure complete removal of Superfish as first reported here Video available CryptoPrevent 7420 [ 2015-04-22 | 614 KB+ | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 68280 | 5 ] A tiny utility to lock down any Windows OS to prevent infection by the Cryptolocker malware or ‘ransomware’, which encrypts personal files and then offers decryption for a paid ransom Norman Malware Cleaner April 21, 2015 [ 2015-04-19 | 365 MB | Freeware | Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP | 384176 | 5 ] Norman Malware Cleaner is a Norman program utility that may be used to detect and remove specific malicious software (malware) Bitdefender Adware Removal Tool 113 [ 2015-02-22 | 445 MB | Freeware (During beta) | Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP | 12989 | 5 ] Bitdefender Adware Removal Tool for PC is a free app that identifies and removes unwanted apps such as adware, malicious hijacker programs, annoying toolbars and other browser add-ons Trend Micro Rescue Disk 3001017 [ 2015-02-21 | 705 MB | Freeware | Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP | 6268 | 4 ] Find and remove persistent or difficult-to-clean security threats that can lurk deep within your operating system NoVirusThanks Zeus Trojan Remover 1920 [ 2015-02-06 | 857 KB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 3813 | 5 ] NoVirusThanks Zeus Trojan Remover detects and remove all known variants of the very dangerous ZeuS banking trojan BitDefender RescueCD [ 2015-02-04 | 643 MB | Freeware | Win7/Vista/XP | 11882 | 3 ] BitDefender RescueCD (USB) is for creating a bootable CD or USB (flash drive) to use on a computer that will not boot up to Windows due to damage caused by virus, trojans, worms or rootkits NoVirusThanks Threat Killer 18 [ 2015-02-03 | 130 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 3245 | 5 ] A fully-scriptable malware remover that is able to remove persistent files, kernel drivers installed by rootkits, registry keys and values and more NoVirusThanks DLL UnInjector 1200 [ 2015-01-30 | 133 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 2848 | 5 ] DLL UnInjector can unload DLLs within a selected process This can be useful for removing malware DLLs or DLLs which are deemed suspicious DelFix 108 [ 2015-01-27 | 692 KB | Freeware | Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP | 4658 | 5 ] DelFix is designed to delete all removal tools used during a disinfection From author of Adwcleaner F-Secure Rescue CD 316 Build 73600 [ 2015-01-06 | 136 MB | Freeware | Win All | 13153 | 2 ] F-Secure Rescue CD is will help you securely boot up the computer and check the programs installed when your computer doesn't start due to malware Emsisoft BlitzBlank 10032 [ 2015-01-03 | 110 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 1368 | 5 ] Emsisoft BlitzBlank is a tool for experienced users that deletes files, registry entries and drivers before Windows and all other programs are loaded to assist in removing difficult malware Defogger [ 2015-01-03 | 49 KB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 5868 | 2 ] This program can enable and disable CD emulation, often required in removing difficult malware GrantPerms [ 2015-01-03 | 103 MB | Freeware | Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP | 1285 | 4 ] GrantPerms is a portable tool that can be used to check permissions as well as unlock multiple files and folders that malware might have locked Emco Malware Destroyer 75151950 [ 2014-12-19 | 514 MB | Freeware | Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP | 34353 | 4 ] An antivirus tool that helps you to organize personal protection of your PC and perform regular fast malware Ntfs Drive protection 13 [ 2014-11-02 | 683 KB | Freeware | Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP | 5940 | 4 ] Protect your removable drives and even if your storage device has been plugged into an infected computer, the malware will be unable to create its autoruninf Trend Micro HijackThis 205 Final [ 2014-10-25 | 274 KB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 920718 | 5 ] Trend Micro HijackThis is a free utility that generates an in depth report of registry and file settings from your computer dBug 20 [ 2014-09-17 | 120 KB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 7048 | 5 ] dBug is a tiny utility that serves the same purpose as KillEmAll in Windows, to neutralize malware that prevents you from running anti-malware tools Malwarebytes Clean Uninstall Tool 2111001 [ 2014-08-16 | 314 KB | Freeware | Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP | 4014 | 4 ] This straightforward tool was created to completely remove all traces of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware from your computer DDS (Latest) [ 2014-08-08 | 672 KB | Freeware | Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP | 6356 | 2 ] DDS is a program that will scan your computer and create logs that can be used to display various startup, configuration, and file information from your computer RegAuditor 246 [ 2014-08-04 | 552 KB | Freeware | Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP | 28185 | 3 ] Gives you a quick look at the Adware, malware and spyware installed on your computer including parasites and trojans BhoScanner 224 [ 2014-05-17 | 549 KB | Freeware | Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP | 39254 | 3 ] Discover browser helper objects of your computer including parasites and trojans D7 10435 [ 2014-04-03 | 74 MB | Freeware | Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP | 90886 | 4 ] D7 is a tool for PC technicians to aid in many tasks and provide a uniform procedure for technicians to follow AVZ Antiviral Toolkit 443 [ 2014-03-19 | 89 MB | Freeware | Win 8/ Win 7/ Vista/ 03 /XP | 24217 | 4 ] A freeware application designed to delete adware and spyware modules, network worms, trojan horses and Dialers StreamArmor 25 [ 2014-02-14 | 426 MB | Freeware | Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP | 11536 | 4 ] Stream Armor is the sophisticated tool to discover Hidden Alternate Data Streams (ADS) and clean them completely from your system Shortcut Cleaner 1280 [ 2014-02-14 | 396 KB | Freeware | Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP | 5775 | 4 ] Shortcut Cleaner is a utility that will scan your computer for Windows shortcuts that have been hijacked by unwanted or malicious software Malware removal guides and support also available in the Majorgeeks Support Forums AdvancedWinServiceManager 35 [ 2014-02-13 | 407 MB | Freeware | Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP | 10904 | 2 ] Advanced Win Service Manager is the specialized software for smarter analysis of Windows Services AVIRA Removal Tool for Windows [ 2014-02-10 | 592 MB | Freeware | Win All | 99550 | 5 ] Avira AntiVir Rescue System allows users to easily access computers that cannot be booted anymore PeerBlock 12 [ 2014-01-16 | 226 MB | Freeware | Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP | 12723 | 5 ] PeerBlock lets you control who your computer "talks to" on the Internet Malware Scene Investigator 135 [ 2014-01-07 | 424 KB | Freeware | Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP | 4920 | 4 ] Malware Scene Investigator is a heuristic scanner that locates undetected malware by searching for symptoms and modifications they cause Acronis Antimalware CD November 23, 2013 [ 2013-11-25 | 334 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 13098 | 3 ] Acronis Antimalware CD is media from which you can boot your machine and scan the system for malware BlitzBank 10 [ 2013-11-25 | 110 MB | Freeware | Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP | 1135 | 3 ] A tool for experienced users It deletes files, registry entries and drivers before Windows and all other programs are loaded Kaspersky WindowsUnlocker 122 [ 2013-03-26 | 286 MB | Freeware | Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP | 2942 | 3 ] In order to fight ransom malware Kaspersky Lab specialists designed a special utility Kaspersky WindowsUnlocker The utility can be launched when your computer is started from Kaspersky Rescue Disk Hijack Hunter 1841 [ 2013-02-14 | 909 KB | Freeware | Win XP/2003/Vista/Windows7 | 14099 | 4 ] Hijack Hunter is an application that thoroughly scans your computer and displays all the gathered data in a comprehensive way Tweakingcom - Remove Policies Set By Infections 1910 [ 2013-01-31 | 961 KB | Freeware | Win All | 8805 | 3 ] This will remove the policies that most infections set Such as disabling the task manager, hiding the desktop, hijacking any exe that is run and many more This tool is also a part of Windows Repair (All In One) Tweakingcom - Repair Proxy Settings 1910 [ 2013-01-31 | 958 KB | Freeware | Win All | 7166 | 5 ] Many infections will set your proxy settings to keep you from getting to websites This repair will turn the proxy off in the system This tool is also a part of Windows Repair (All In One) Tweakingcom - Unhide Non System Files 1910 [ 2013-01-31 | 959 KB | Freeware | Win All | 36556 | 4 ] Some new viruses hide every single file on the system This repair will unhide every file on the system that is not a system file This tool is also a part of Windows Repair (All In One) Tweakingcom - Disable or Enable Data Execution Prevention (DEP) 158 [ 2013-01-31 | 117 KB | Freeware | Win XP/2003/Vista/Windows7 | 4340 | 3 ] This will allow a user to easily turn DEP on or off DEP can cause some programs to crash, and as such you may need to turn it off This tool is also a part of Windows Repair (All In One) Norman Security Suite 1000 [ 2012-12-24 | 303 MB | Shareware $4496+ | Win 8 / Win 7 / Vista/ XP | 3188 | 1 ] This easy-to-use software will protect you from inappropriate content, rootkits and other hostile activity BitDefender USB Immunizer 2019 [ 2012-10-11 | 388 MB | Freeware | Win 2000/03/08/XP/Vista/7 | 13197 | 3 ] The Immunize option allows you to immunize your USB storage device or SD card against infections with autorun-based malware OTL (OldTimer's List-It) 32690 [ 2012-10-04 | 588 KB | Freeware | Win XP/2003/08/Vista/Windows7 | 54995 | 4 ] OTL by OldTimer is a flexible, multipurpose, diagnostic, and malware removal tool Comodo Cleaning Essentials 25242177201 [ 2012-08-17 | 226 MB | Freeware | Win XP/2003/08/Vista/Windows7 | 38649 | 4 ] Comodo Cleaning Essentials (CCE) is a set of powerful security tools designed to help users identify and remove malware and unsafe processes from Windows computers Emsisoft HiJackFree 45010 [ 2012-08-06 | 199 MB | Freeware | Win 2000/03/08/XP/Vista/7 | 199463 | 5 ] Emsisoft HiJackFree is a detailed system analysis tool which helps advanced users to detect and remove all types of HiJackers, Spyware, Adware, Trojans and Worms Kaspersky FippKiller 102 [ 2012-07-24 | 122 KB | Freeware | Win 2000/03/08/XP/Vista/7 | 3620 | 2 ] There is a special utility for curing an active WormWin32Fippa infection Dr Web TrojanEncoder94 Decryptor 1427 [ 2012-04-12 | 242 KB | Freeware | Win7/Vista/XP | 20945 | 3 ] This new ransomware variant encrypts your data files You need a "Key" to un-encrypt the files Running this tool from Dr Web might remove this malware Yorkytexe Disinfection Tool 000220 [ 2012-04-10 | 134 MB | Freeware | Win7/Vista/XP | 4336 | 1 ] If you are infected with the "adnow" virus then this tool from Panda might remove it for you Ashampoo Virus Quickscan 1010 [ 2012-03-23 | 104 MB | Freeware | Win XP/2003/08/Vista/Windows7 | 9951 | 3 ] Ashampoo Virus Quickscan is a lightweight and easy to use application that can detect and remove infections on your PC instantly RunScanner 20060 [ 2012-03-06 | 214 MB | Freeware | Win XP/2003/Vista/Windows7 | 45435 | 4 ] RunScanner is a freeware windows system utility which scans your system for all running programs, autostart locations, drivers, services and hijack points HijackThis Source Code [ 2012-02-20 | 273 KB | Freeware | Win XP/2003/08/Vista/Windows7 | 3510 | 2 ] This is the source code for coders 3 other versions are available for end users XP-Antispy 398-2 [ 2012-01-29 | 397 KB | Freeware | Win XP | 297665 | 5 ] XP-AntiSpy is a little utility that let's you disable some built-in update and authetication 'features' in Windows XP Mamutu 30020 [ 2011-11-04 | 483 MB | Shareware $2700 | Win 2000/03/08/XP/Vista/7 | 7365 | 3 ] The Mamutu Background Guard is clever It recognizes and blocks all potentially dangerous programs before they can cause any damage USB Protector 20 [ 2011-10-28 | 224 MB | Freeware | Win7/Vista/XP | 5780 | 2 ] USB Protector is an application developed to protect your system from malware attacks over USB Storage devices Worm Sweeper 01 Beta [ 2011-08-30 | 489 MB | Freeware | Win7/Vista/XP | 4303 | 3 ] Worm Sweeper is a small and very simple application that will help you remove viruses and other malicious programs from your computer with a push of a button The Avenger 20 [ 2011-07-17 | 707 KB | Freeware | Win XP/2003/08/Vista/Windows7 | 7734 | 2 ] The Avenger is a fully-scriptable, kernel-level Windows driver designed to remove highly persistent files, registry keys/values, and other drivers protected by entrenched malware Secure2k BootCD - Malware/Rootkit Removal 170 [ 2011-07-11 | 148 MB | Freeware | Win 2000/03/08/XP/Vista/7 | 6356 | 1 ] A Mcafee moderator made this tool for the many users out there that have had trouble with malware and rootkits RootRepeal - Rootkit Detector 135 [ 2011-07-11 | 454 KB | Freeware | Win XP/2003/08/Vista/Windows7 | 35274 | 2 ] RootRepeal is a new rootkit detector There is always some risk when scanning for rootkits GooredFix 200687 [ 2011-07-11 | 697 KB | Freeware | Win XP/2003/08/Vista/Windows7 | 44553 | 3 ] This tool helps with Google redirect problems via FireFox Coded by jpshortstuff at Security Cadets BitDefender System Information 1002 [ 2011-07-08 | 919 KB | Freeware | Win XP/2003/08/Vista/Windows7 | 3656 | 2 ] BitDefender System Information will scan the computer for known locations where malware resides and create a log that will later be sent to the BitDefender Support team XP-Antispy BETA 398 [ 2011-06-19 | 392 KB | Freeware | Win XP | 2903 | 3 ] XP-AntiSpy is a little utility that let's you disable some built-in update and authetication 'features' in Windows XP This beta has been removed, please download XP-Antispy 398-2 Trend Micro Fake Antivirus (FakeAV) Removal Tool 101019 [ 2011-06-06 | 160 MB | Freeware | Win7/Vista/XP | 13800 | 3 ] Trend Micro Fake Antivirus (FakeAV) Removal Tool helps you remove and delete fake antivirus applications EasyBits Uninstaller [ 2011-05-30 | 196 KB | Freeware | Win7/Vista/XP | 13036 | 2 ] This completely removes EasyBit software, currently notorious for installing without permission via Skype COMODO Cloud Scanner 2016215121 [ 2011-04-19 | 177 MB | Freeware | Win XP/2003/Vista/Windows7 | 8652 | 2 ] Comodo Cloud Scanner (CCS) is an easy to use tool that quickly and accurately identifies malware, viruses, suspicious processes and other problems with your computer NoVirusThanks Malware Remover Free 3100 [ 2011-03-04 | 19MB | Freeware | Win XP/2003/08/Vista/Windows7 | 3711 | 3 ] NoVirusThanks Malware Remover Free is a useful utility designed to detect and remove trojans, spyware, rogue software, adware and others Trend Micro HijackThis BETA 205 [ 2011-02-15 | 133 MB | Freeware | Win 2000/03/08/XP/Vista/7 | 6570 | 1 ] Trend Micro HijackThis is a free utility that generates an in depth report of registry and file settings from your computer AVERT 22 [ 2011-02-07 | 600 MB | Freeware | Win7/Vista/2K/XP | 14950 | 4 ] AVERT is an application designed to help facilitate the removal of malware on an already infected machine Malware Eraser 10 Build 0110 [ 2010-12-29 | 113 MB | Freeware | Win7/Vista/XP | 6082 | 3 ] Malware Eraser is a small utility that runs in the background to detect and remove specific malware, trojans, worms and other malicious threats that can damage your computer Anti-Malware Toolkit 113326 [ 2010-11-14 | 435 KB | Freeware | Win 2000/03/08/XP/Vista/7 | 28459 | 3 ] Anti-Malware Toolkit - a program that automatically downloads all of the recommended programs to help users clean their computers and have them running at peak performance again Malware Removal Tool November 2010 [ 2010-11-14 | 289 KB | Freeware | Win 2000/03/08/XP/Vista/7 | 65882 | 4 ] Malware Removal Tool was designed to take care of malicious software and spyware which are too new Spybot - Search & Destroy - Distributed Testing Client 161 [ 2010-11-08 | 344 MB | Freeware | Win7/Vista/XP | 70331 | 5 ] SDDT was developed to be a small tool that helps improving Spybot - Search & Destroy's updates by letting your computer scan with alpha updates automatically Determination MX 11 [ 2010-07-15 | 279 MB | Freeware | Win7/Vista/XP | 4913 | 3 ] Determination MX is the free and proactive way to protect your computer from online threats, even before they are known to the public Microsoft Windows Defender 17511170 [ 2010-02-24 | 491 MB | Freeware | Win7/Vista/XP | 645848 | 5 ] Protect your pc against malware, pop-ups, slow performance and more Microsoft Rogue DHCP Server detection 10 [ 2009-07-06 | 313 KB | Freeware | Win7/Vista/2K/XP | 15118 | 2 ] Checks if there are any rogue DHCP servers in the local subnet SmitFraudFix 2423 [ 2009-06-26 | 179 MB | Freeware | Win XP/2K | 363265 | 5 ] This tool removes Desktop Hijack malware including Advanced Antivirus, AdwarePunisher, AdwareSheriff, AlphaCleaner, AntiSpyCheck, AntiSpyware Expert and many more McAfee AVERT Stinger Conficker [ 2009-05-23 | 15 MB | Freeware | Win All | 10633 | 2 ] Archive of the Stinger Conficker tool Microsoft and most anti-viruses already protect and remove this VundoFix 706 [ 2009-03-04 | 129 KB | Freeware | Win9x/NT/200x/XP/Vista | 153659 | 5 ] VundoFix is a freeware removal tool for many of the known variants of TrojanVundo, TrojanConhook and other similar infections Emsisoft Anti-Dialer 3505 [ 2008-06-19 | 380 MB | Freeware | Win9x/NT/200x/XP/Vista | 20456 | 4 ] Emsisoft Anti-Dialer provides a complete defense against Dialers Assassin 511 [ 2008-05-02 | 150 MB | Freeware | Win7/Vista/2K/XP | 75269 | 4 ] Assassin exclusive process termination technology is powerful enough to kill 999% of all processes ViewpointKiller 130 Beta [ 2008-02-04 | 259 KB | Freeware | Win 9x/ME/2K/XP | 17107 | 3 ] Takes Viewpoint Media Player off your PC once and for all Arovax AntiSpyware 21153 [ 2007-09-22 | 343 MB | Freeware | Win 9x/ME/2K/XP | 31983 | 4 ] Arovax AntiSpyware includes Deep Scan, Smart Scan and a Remover - ability to remove the parasites found Our Database contains over 33171 records HijackReader 103 Beta [ 2007-08-09 | 186 MB | Freeware | Win9x/ME/NT/2K | 28269 | 3 ] HijackReader is a free application which reads HijackThis log files and tries to give advice on what to fix Icesword 122 [ 2007-07-16 | 215 MB | Freeware | Win 2K/03/XP/Vista | 145363 | 5 ] IceSword is an effective tool against "rootkits," virus-type programs that can evade detection by ordinary antivirus products HostsJacker 211 [ 2007-05-28 | 192 KB | Freeware | Win9x/NT/200x/XP/Vista | 9552 | 2 ] Checks if your Hosts file has been Hi-Jacked FileASSASSIN 106 [ 2007-05-02 | 164 KB | Freeware | Win 2K/03/XP/Vista | 34063 | 4 ] FileASSASSIN can delete locked malware files on your system About:Buster 607 [ 2007-04-27 | 238 KB | Freeware | Win XP/2000/2003/Vista/08 | 432650 | 5 ] AboutBuster is a tool that scans for AboutBlank on an infected system All-Seeing Eye 071 [ 2007-01-24 | 29 MB | Freeware | Win XP/2K/2003 | 17372 | 4 ] All-Seeing Eye monitors all different important areas of the computer and operating system for which there are today only small separate tools for each area Browser Hijack Retaliator 45 [ 2006-10-27 | 3 MB | Freeware | Win 9x/ME/2K/XP | 32763 | 4 ] Anti Browser Hijack Software Real-time protection for your Internet Explorer Home Page, Search Page, Search Bar and Favorites KazaaBegone 130 [ 2006-08-17 | 74 KB | Freeware | Win9x/NT/200x/XP/Vista | 118841 | 4 ] A Kazaa uninstall which scans and removes all elements of all Kazaa versions, as well as all of the bundled software that comes with it El Toolbar Killer 102 [ 2006-07-10 | 175 KB | Freeware | Win9x/NT/200x/XP/Vista | 14679 | 2 ] This little tool was created to remove the very annoying spyware "Elite Toolbar" LSP-Fix 11 [ 2006-07-06 | 197 KB | Freeware | Win9x/ME/NT/2K | 115425 | 5 ] LSP-Fix is a free utility to repair a Winsock 2 setting caused by buggy or improperly-removed Internet software Project has been abandoned AIM Spyware Remover 092 Beta [ 2006-05-23 | 1 MB | Freeware | Win9x/NT/200x/XP/Vista | 18675 | 3 ] AIM Spyware Remover is a free and useful application that will help you to search, scan, remove and use AIM safer Symantec AdwareNDotNet Removal Tool 103 [ 2006-04-10 | 165 KB | Freeware | Win9x/NT/200x/XP/Vista | 14233 | 5 ] AdwareNDotNet is an adware program that associates non-existent domain names with sponsored content Wallpaper Hijack Remover 304 [ 2006-04-08 | 38 KB | Freeware | Win9x/NT/200x/XP/Vista | 26998 | 4 ] This program was created to remove the smitfraud wallpaper hijack but works for every other wallpaper hijack as well BHOList 15 [ 2006-03-29 | 58 KB | Freeware | Win9x/NT/200x/XP/Vista | 34783 | 4 ] A front end for TonyKlein's BHO Collection that downloads the list, and displays it in a sortable, searchable list Look2Me Remover 120 [ 2006-02-12 | 438 KB | Freeware | Win9x/NT/200x/XP/Vista | 41832 | 4 ] The Look2Me Remover (aka L2MRemover) is very easy to use being very similar to ETRemover (aka EliteToolbar Remover) which is the SimplyTechit generic anti-malware solution Lavasoft ARIES Rootkit Remover [ 2005-12-31 | 369 KB | Freeware | Win9x/NT/200x/XP/Vista | 28441 | 4 ] The ARIES Rootkit Remover to get rid of the rootkit developed by First4Internet used by Sony BMG to hide their DRM (Digital Rights Management) software HJTHotkey 3054 [ 2005-12-12 | 547 KB | Freeware | Win9x/NT/200x/XP/Vista | 23942 | 3 ] This program is designed to speed up the researching of items in a HijackThis log once it has been posted onto a forum or from a log file Trend Micro CWShredder 219 [ 2005-11-15 | 520 KB | Freeware | Win 9x/ME/2K/XP | 333443 | 5 ] Trend Micro CWShredder is the premier tool to find and remove traces of CoolWebSearch the name for a wide range of insidious browser hijackers from your PC EliteToolbar Remover 212 [ 2005-10-16 | 467 KB | Freeware | Win XP/2K | 51845 | 4 ] This freeware utility helps people to delete the new infestions caused by the EliteToolbar variants Toolbarcop 34 [ 2005-08-25 | 61 KB | Freeware | Win9x/ME/NT/2K | 137825 | 5 ] Toolbarcop can be used to eliminate malware toolbands, toolbar icons and browser helper objects in Internet Explorer SSA-KeyLogger Clean [ 2005-08-13 | 344 KB | Freeware | Win9x/ME/NT/2K | 32504 | 5 ] Cleans the spyware keylogger, named SrvSSA-KeyLogger and other programs that use html forms to collect personal information Nail/Bolder/Aurora Remover 033 Beta [ 2005-07-24 | 58 KB | Freeware | Win 9x/ME/2K/XP | 37369 | 4 ] This tool assists in removing nail, bolder and aurora spyware infections For more, visit our spyware specific forums BHODemon 20023 [ 2005-06-19 | 43 MB | Freeware | Win 9x/ME/2K/XP | 793876 | 5 ] Think of BHODemon as a guardian for your Internet browser: it protects you from unknown Browser Helper Objects (BHOs), by letting you enable/disable them individually BHODemon is free, runs in the tray area, and works on Windows 95 or later operating systems Sphtml-Sedll Hijack Fix 2000/XP 112 [ 2005-05-29 | 54 KB | Freeware | Win XP/2K | 30507 | 5 ] Tool for the Sphtml-Sedll hijack if usual spyware removal tools fail VX2 Finder 126 [ 2005-05-29 | 120 KB | Freeware | Win 9x/ME/2K/XP | 23041 | 3 ] This will locate the VX2BetterInternet file names and registry key info If nothing is displayed, then you are probably clean Find It NT/2000/XP [ 2005-05-29 | 30 KB | Freeware | Win NT/2K | 17527 | 3 ] Find It Utility used to remove the Newest VX2 variant infections Find It 9x/ME [ 2005-05-29 | 30 KB | Freeware | Win 9x/ME | 13630 | 1 ] Find It file to use on Newest VX2 infections on Windows 9x/ME Systems WinSock XP Fix 12 [ 2005-05-11 | 14 MB | Freeware | Win XP | 688298 | 5 ] Fixes the winsock settings on your Windows XP machine This tool is recommended for IT professionals only Please read license HijackThis 1991 [ 2005-02-16 | 246 KB | Freeware | Win XP/2003/Vista/Windows7 | 6923243 | 5 ] The original HijackThis, a general homepage hijackers detector and remover HotBar Adware Removal Tool 10 [ 2004-11-29 | 603 KB | Freeware | Win 2K/03/XP/Vista | 38703 | 4 ] HotBar Adware Removal Tool enables network administrators to remove the HotBar Adware from the local or remote computer specified Alexa Toolbar Removal Tool 102 [ 2004-11-28 | 302 KB | Freeware | Win 9x/ME/2K/XP | 38338 | 4 ] Alexa Toolbar Removal Tool enables network administrators to remove the Alexa Toolbar from any computer on the network CWShredder (Last Merijn Version) 1591 [ 2004-10-18 | 137 KB | Freeware | Win 9x/ME/2K/XP | 1397468 | 5 ] A small utility for removing CoolWebSearch (aka CoolWwwSearch, YouFindAll, White-Pagesws and a dozen other names) StartPage Spyware Removal Tool for IE 102 [ 2004-10-16 | 12 MB | Freeware | Win 9x/ME/2K/XP | 39558 | 3 ] Prevent spyware from changing your startpage and other browser properties BugOff 100 [ 2004-07-25 | 12 KB | Freeware | Win 9x/ME/2K/XP | 70218 | 5 ] This little app disables three exploits that are commonly used by browser hijackers (including CWS), thus protecting you from infection StartPage Guard 252 [ 2004-06-22 | 418 KB | Freeware | Win 9x/ME/2K/XP | 30119 | 3 ] StartPage Guard (SPG) protects your PC from cyberscam, by detecting and preventing any unauthorized changes to your internet browser's Start and Search pages Microsoft SasserA & B Worm Removal Tool 40 [ 2004-05-12 | 114 KB | Freeware | Win7/Vista/2K/XP | 39861 | 5 ] This tool from Microsoft will help remove the SasserA and SasserB worms  Kill2me 111 [ 2004-04-29 | 14 KB | Freeware | Win 9x/ME/2K/XP | 135732 | 4 ] Kill2Me: A removal tool specifically for the Look2Me parasite CoolWWWSearchSmartKiller (v1/v2) MiniRemoval [ 2004-01-26 | 52 KB | Freeware | Win 9x/ME/2K/XP | 277777 | 5 ] Removes the old school infection known as CoolWWWSearchSmartKiller Microsoft Blaster Worm Removal Tool [ 2004-01-07 | 317 KB | Freeware | Win7/Vista/XP | 47238 | 4 ] Removal tool to clean the W32BlasterWorm infections (fix the RPC vulnerability) InstallSpy 200 [ 2003-11-10 | 12 MB | Freeware | Win 9x/ME/2K/XP | 31711 | 3 ] Track any and all changes to the registry and file system, and also record all shell notification events (eg media inserted), when a program is installed, uninstalled, or run Browser Hijack Blaster 10 [ 2003-05-14 | 394 KB | Freeware | Win 9x/ME/2K/XP | 171378 | 5 ] Running silently in the background, Browser Hijack Blaster only springs into action when an attempt is made Kazaa Spyware Removal [ 2003-01-23 | 23 KB | Freeware | Win 9x/ME/2K/XP | 106381 | 4 ] This program will remove the spyware that comes with kazaa
Publisher: Unknown - 11:09 PTG

Ahad, 30 Ogos 2015


Sheikh Haji Ahmad Bin Sheikh Mohd Said - Mufti Pertama Negeri Sembilan

Sheikh Haji Ahmad Bin Sheikh Mohd Said - Mufti Pertama Negeri Sembilan

Pemilihan Tuan Sheikh Haji Ahmad bin Haji Mohd Said sebagai Mufti Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan bukanlah atas permohonan beliau seperti yang lazim dilakukan sekarang ini.  Jawatan ini di tawarkan oleh Menteri Besar yang pertama iaitu Dato' Haji Abdul Malik bin Yusuf (1948 – 1950). Jawatan yang di tawarkan kepada beliau juga telah dipersetujui oleh para ulama' di Negeri Sembilan, dalam satu persidangan.
Pada peringkat permulaan tawaran ini ditolaknya, tetapi atas desakan yang kuat dari pembesar dan ulama' di Negeri Sembilan ini beliau merestui memegang jawatan ini dan merasakan rakyat Negeri Sembilan khasnya amnya memerlukan beliau dalam memimpin mereka ke arah jalan yang diredhai Allah. Tuan Sheikh Haji Ahmad seorang yang berfikiran terbuka tetapi terkenal dengan sifat tegasnya.  Beliau tidak mudah diperalatkan oleh pihak pemerintah (sama ada dari kerajaan Pusat ataupun dari kerajaan pihak pemerintah Inggeris).  Ini jelas membuktikan karisma beliau sebagai seorang pemimpin yang berupaya menghadapi tentangan  zaman dan sentiasa dihormati.          

Di samping terkenal dengan ketegasannya dalam perkara yang jelas bertentangan dengan kehendak syari‘at, beliau juga terkenal dengan kecekapan dalam menjalankan tugas.  Selaras dengan tugasnya sebagai Mufti.  Beliau sentiasa menjadi tumpuan dan tempat rujukan dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan masyarakat setempat.

Karya-Karya Tuan Sheikh Haji Ahmad

Penjelasan Di sekitar Hukum Pungutan Zakat Fitrah Bagi Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan . (Dikeluarkan oleh Jawatankuasa Syari‘ah Bahagian Siaran. Jabatan Agama Negeri Sembilan pada tahun 1960 bersamaan 1379H)

Pengertian Kepada Tariqat Ahmadiyyah , (suntingan dan ubahsuai bahasa oleh Mahmud Hj. Ahmad)
Risalah “al-Qawa‘id Li Samad al “Ariffin wal Qutub al Muhaqqiqin” (Diterbitkan semula oleh Abdul Halim Haji Ahmad pada 25 April 1982 bersamaan 1 Rejab 1402H)

Ta‘lik Di atas Faedah Pada Menyelitkan Kaifiyyat Terawikh Sepuluh Raka‘at (Dikarang pada tahun 1305H)

Safinah al-Salamah Ahwal al-Dunya wa Al-Barzakh wa al-Qiamah.

Kanzu al-Mu‘id Fi Manaqib al-‘Arif Billah (Dicetak oleh Maktabah al-Ahmadiyyah, Singapura pada tahun 1952.

Perbahasan Berzikir Akan Allah Dengan Kuat , (Diterbitkan di Kuala Pilah oleh Teruna Press pada tahun 1355H dan telah disunting dan diubahsuai bahasanya oleh Prof. Dr. Mahmud Saedon Awang Othman, 1986).

Aurad al-Tariqat al-Ahmadiyyah dan Kelebihan dan Tahfatun al-Ikhwan.

Majmu‘atun Musahatun bi Tahafuh al-Awtan wa al-Ikhwan , (Dicetak di Singapura, al-Ahmadiyyah Press, 1354H/1935M.

‘Ittikaf Zawir al-Raghabat Bayan Karamat al-Aulia' fi al-Hayat wa ba‘da al-Mamat atau Khasyf al-Ghamamah , (Dicetak di Jawi Press, Singapura, 1368H.)

Al-Fuyudhat al-Ahmadiyyah fi fadhli wa Takhij ba‘du Kalimat al-Husn al-Mani' al-Nabawiyyah.
Setengah Daripada Munaqib Guru-Guru Yang Mulia , (Dicetak di Seremban, Sungai Ujung Press, 1354).

Disamping itu beliau juga mengarang khutbah-khutbah Jumaat yang menyentuh isu-isu semasa dengan mengemukakan pandangan-pandangan Islam untuk renungan masyarakat. Beliau meninggal dunia pada 7 Januari 1964/1345H.    

Publisher: Unknown - 6:51 PTG
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Doa Syeikh Ahmad bin Mohd Said ( Mufti Pertama ) Pada Hari Kemerdekaan 1957

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

اَللَّهُمَّ وَفِّقْ سَائِرَ العُمَّالِ وَالوُزَرَاءِ وَالسَّلاَطِينَ وَالمُلُوكِ وَالأُمَرَاءِ لِرِعَايَةِ أُمُورِ الدِّينِ وَالمُحَافَظَةِ عَلَى حُقُوقِ المُسْلِمِينَ وَإِقَامَةِ العَدْلِ فِى الأَحْكَامِ وَالتَّمَسُّـكِ بِفَضَائِلِ الإِسْلاَمِ،

اَللَّهُمَّ وَأَصْلِحْ بِهِمْ شُئُونَ الأُمَّةِ المَلاَيُوِيَّةِ حَتَّى تَتَرَقَّى وَتَتَقَدَّمَ إِلَى أَعْلَى مَا يَتَحَقَّقُ بِهِ بُلُوغُ الأُمْنِيَّةِ. اَللَّهُمَّ وَانْصُرْنَا مَعَاشِرَةَ الأُمَّةِ المَلاَيُوِيَّةِ وَاهْدِنَا وَسَدِّدْنَا خَيْرَ البَرِيَّةِ وَاهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ المُسْـتَقِيمَ صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ المَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلاَ الضَّآلِينَ،

اَللَّهُمَّ اكْشِفْ عَنَّا الكُرُبَاتِ وَسَـلِّمْنَا نَحْنُ مِمَّا فِيهِ مِنَ الآفَاتِ وَاحْفَظْنَا مِنْ كُلِّ سُوءٍ وَمَلاَمٍ وَبَـلِّغْنَا كُلَّ مَقْصُودٍ وَمُرَامٍ وَأَصْلِحْ بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَ غَيْرِنَا حَتَّى تَكُونَ فِى أَمَانٍ وَسَلاَمٍ. وَفَرِّجْ عَنَّا كُرُبَاتِنَا فَرْجًا عَاجِلاً بِرَحْمَتِكَ يَا أَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِينَ،

اَللَّهُمَّ كُنْ لَنَا وَلَهُمْ وَلِهَذَهِ البِلاَدِ حَافِظًا مِنْ جَمِيعِ البَلاَيَا وَدَافِعًا عَنَّا وَعَنْهُمْ جَمِيعَ الرَّزَايَا، وَانْصُرْنَا عَلَى الأَعْدَاءِ وَالحُسَّادِ وَاحْلُلْ غَضَبَكَ وَنِقْمَتَكَ عَلَى البَغْيِ وَالفَسَادِ اَللَّهُمَّ وَاحْرُسْ بِعَيْنِكَ الَّتِي لاَ تَنَامُ وَاكْـنُفْ بِكَنَفِكَ وَرُكْنِكَ الَّذِي لاَ يُرَام. اَللَّهُمَّ اِرْمِ رَايَةَ الإِسْلاَمِ مَنْشُورَةً وَمَوَاطِنَ الدِّينِ وَالحَـقِّ مَعْمُورَةً.

Yang bermaksud ...

Ya Allah! Anugerahkanlah taufiq kepada sekalian pentadbir awam, jemaah menteri, para sultan dan raja, serta pemimpin negara bagi memelihara kehendak-kehendak agama, memelihara hak keistimewaan umatnya, menegakkan keadilan dalam undang-undang dan berpegang kepada keindahan Islam.

Ya Allah! Jadikanlah mereka agen perubah hal keadaan orang-orang Melayu, agar bangsa ini meningkat maju dan kehadapan sehingga tercapai cita-cita yang diidam-idamkan. Ya Allah! Bantulah bangsa Melayu, bimbinglah serta jadikanlah kami menjadi sebaik-baik manusia. Tunjukkanlah kami jalan yang lurus, jalan yang telah Engkau kurniakan kepada umat Islam yang telah menikmatinya, bukan sebagaimana orang yang Engkau murkai dan bukan juga orang yang sesat.

Ya Allah! Hindarilah kami daripada sebarang kesusahan, sejahterakanlah kami daripada segala yang boleh memudharatkan, peliharalah kami daripada segala buruk lagi keji dan tunaikanlah segala yang diharap dan dihajati. Harmonikanlah antara kami dan bangsa lain selain kami hingga kami sentiasa dalam keamanan dan keselamatan. Bebaskanlah kami dengan segera daripada segala kepayahan dengan rahmatMu wahai Tuhan yang Maha Merahmati segala yang penyayang.

Ya Allah! Jadikanlah bagi bangsa kami, kaum yang lain dan negara ini penjaga daripada segala bala, yang menghalang kami dan mereka daripada sebarang pencerobohan. Bantulah kami menewaskan segala musuh dan orang yang dengki. Zahirkanlah kemarahanMu dan kemurkaanMu kepada orang yang melampau dan yang melakukan kerosakkan. Ya Allah! Awasilah dengan penglihatanMu yang tidak pernah lena dan bentengilah dengan perlindungan dan bentengMu yang tidak mudah diterima.


Al-Marhum Syeikh Haji Ahmad bin Muhammad Said, doa ini dibaca ketika pengisytiharan Kemerdekaan Negara di Stadium Merdeka oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra al-Haj pada 31hb Ogos 1957.
Publisher: Unknown - 6:46 PTG

Warisan Stokin Koyak.

Kisah seorang jutawan yang kini sedang sakit menunggu ajal telah menyuruh dikumpulkan anak-anaknya yang tercinta. Beliau berkata kepada mereka, "Anak-anak ayah, bila ayah sudah tidak ada nanti, ada permintaan ayah kepada kamu semua. 

Tolong pakaikan stokin kesayangan ayah, walaupun stokin tu koyak, ayah ingin pakai stokin kesayangan ayah kerana banyak kenangan ayah bersama stokin tu, minta stokin itu dipakai bila ayah nak dikafankan nanti."

Akhirnya jutawan itu meninggal dunia. Saat mengurus jenazah dan saat mengkafankan, anak-anaknya minta tuan imam untuk memakaikan stokin yang koyak itu sesuai dengan permintaan terakhir ayahnya. Akan tetapi tuan imam menolaknya, "Maaf secara syariat hanya 2 lembar kain putih saja yang dibenarkan dipakai kepada mayat."

Terjadi pula perbalahan antara anak-anak jutawan yang ingin memakaikan stokin koyak dan tuan imam serta beberapa orang ustaz lagi yang berada di sisi jenazah yang melarangnya. Kerana tidak ada titik temu dipanggilah penasihat keluarga yang juga seorang peguam. 

Beliau berkata, "Sebelum meninggal dunia, arwah ada memberikan saya surat wasiat, kita bacalah bersama mana tahu ada petunjuk."

Maka dibukalah surat wasiat jutawan tadi buat anak-anaknya yang dipesankan kepada peguam tersebut.

Suratnya bertulis, "Anak-anakku pasti sekarang kamu semua sedang berbalah kerana dilarang memakaikan stokin koyak kepada jenazah ayah. Lihatlah, padahal harta ayah banyak, wang berlimpah dengan kereta mewah, tanah, rumah dan ladang yang banyak tapi tidak ada ertinya ketika ayah sudah meninggal. 

Stokin koyak tu pun tidak boleh dibawa mati. Begitu tidak berertinya dunia buat ayah ketika ini, kecuali amal ibadah, sedekah dan doa-doa daripada kamu semua. Anak-anak ayah, inilah yang ingin ayah sampaikan agar kamu semua tidak tertipu lagi dengan dunia. Salam sayang dari ayah yang ingin melihat kamu semua menjadikan dunia sebagai jalan menuju Allah."

~ sila share kat kekawan ... sharing is ilmu ~
Publisher: Unknown - 4:30 PG
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Lelaki TAK CUKUP Duit Isi Minyak Dan TAWAKAL Kepada Allah…

TIBA-TIBA …. !!! | Sejak petrol naik harga saya tak pandai nak anggar harga petrol nak isi dalam cik bibah. Tadi tank masih ada dua bar. So saya agak ada la kat dlm 10-15 rggt je. So saya bayar di kaunter untuk isi RM50. Rupanya bila rm42 dah penuh.. saya pump juga sampai rm45. Takut nak isi lagi.. sebab pernah terjadi melimpah2 keluar petrol.

Saya malas nak gi masuk dalam minta refund lagi rm5. Nak burn je sayang pulak. Saya pegang nozzle sambil perhati kot2 ada motor masuk.. takde pon. Saya hampir nak letak balik sebab nak tutup lubang tempat isi minyak kat kereta, tapi saya cuba pegang nozzle tu sambil tutup lubang minyak tu.. buat lambat sikit. Niat nak tunggu kot2 ada motor masuk.

Selesai je, hampir saya nak letakkan nozzle, ada satu motor datang ke pump sebelah. Budak muda, awal 20an saya kira. Saya panggil dia suruh tolak motor ke pump ni, saya cakap ada rm5 lagi, ambillah. Dia tolak motor ke tempat saya, dia seluk poket nak bayar, saya cakap tak payah, saya pass nozzle ke dia.

Saya cakap ..

“ambillah akak malas nak refund ke dalam..”
Dia cakap terima kasih. Dia tunduk, nampak sedih. Dia tunduk betul2 macam tak sanggup pandang kita, atau tunduk syukur pada Allah gitu. Cam speechlesss gitu..
Saya tanya dia, “eh apesal?”
Dia jawab dalam menahan sebak.
“Saya doa akak murah rezeki, tak tau nak cakap macam mana. sebenarnya saya belum gaji, duit sy ada 10 ringgit je ni, dok fikir isi minyak 3rggt, tinggal 7 rggt. Dok atas motor tadi saya dok fikir pasal duit je.. saya serah pada Allah je. Rupanya Allah nak bagi rezeki saya dapat minyak motor free,”
Saya pula sedih.. saya senyum je dan cakap.
“Dah tertulis rezeki awak,”

Saya masuk kereta, terus jalan. Dari jauh nampak dia lambai tangan tanda terima kasih. Saya yang cengeng dah ‘banjir’ dlm kereta. YA Allah.. bila hambaMu tawakal padaMu. Ada rezeki yang dah KAU janjikan.

Dan rencana Allah tu pasti. Saya sepatutnya nak drive terus balik Putrajaya, dan isi minyak di Petronas, sebaliknya Allah gerakkan hati saya belok ke Petron di Besraya. Jarang saya berhenti di situ isi minyak, hari ni tergerak hati nak isi kat situ..

Dan patutnya tadi saya guna debit kad, isi penuh ja.. tetapi saya pi masuk bayar rm50 kat dalam, teragak nak isi rm45 sahaja, tapi hati kata rm50 baru penuh.. rupanya betul cuma rm45 sahaja.. rm5 tu bukan hak saya, hak orang lain. Allah dah susun dan atur cantik2.

Itulah yang dikatakan dalam rezeki kita ada hak orang lain, yang kita kena kembalikan semula. Teratur hari ini dalam bahagian saya ada bahagian adik itu. Semuanya dari Allah. Niat kita juga penting.. saya benar niatkan nak kasi je baki petrol dah bayar tu pada sesiapa pun, dan dalam hati terdetik, biarlah dapat pada orang benar-benar layak. Maka Allah temukan kami.

Saya menangis sambil drive sebab saya semakin kuat dan yakin konsep tawakal pada Allah. Benar2 serahkan segala-galanya padaNya. Menulis ini pun saya sebak.

Kredit Pnut Syafinaz
Publisher: Unknown - 4:28 PG


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